77 results found
ARM Support for the Linux PK Agent
Provide ARM processor support for your Linux PK Agent to allow for use of the new NVIDIA DIGITS "Super Computer" as well as other ARM builds.
9 votes -
Adding support to Bruteforce PicoCrypt encrypted files.
3 votes -
License Portal
Having a "Your license is activated on the following machines" page after logging in, with the option to unlicense a machine no longer used would be VERY helpful. We frequently update our workstations and have run into issues with activation requiring contacting customer support. It would save everyone time if we could view which machines our license is attached to, and add/remove from that list accordingly.
3 votes -
Adding support for Lotus Notes - NSF decryption
Adding support for Lotus Notes - NSF decryption
1 vote -
Existing Decrypted Physical
There has been multiple cases where I was able to use an alternate tool to dump a physical extraction that wasn't on the Passware support list, but that tool didn't provide me with the password/pattern/pincode as it could decrypt the data without it.
I'd love if I could point PKM to the existing extraction, and start a BruteForce project. Even on a supported device Passware has to dump it to continue to the BruteForce step.2 votes -
Rules attacks - Hashcat style
Create compatibility with Hashcat style rules, so that existing Hashcat compatible rules can be used with dictionary attacks.
This drastically increases the viability of attacks and also means no new rules need be created as all existing ones can be used.
1 vote -
Add support for Tally Prime .1800 file
TallyPrime is successor to the Tally.ERP 900 financial software, support to the Tally.ERP .900 file is available in Passware Kit Forensic software. In current scenario we are encountering with TallyPrime TallyVault.
1 vote -
GPU support for UNIX sha512 hash
I have GPU servers(16 GPUs) but I can't use them because of not support for unix sha512 hash.
Please fix it.3 votes -
Support decryption of virtual systems, e.g. VDI
Decryption of virtual systems, e.g. VDI - LUKAS BITLOCKER encrypted system
3 votes -
Please add support for SLE-file Version 11 and earlier
Homepage is misleading. SLE-Support is not given with all versions.
I have several SLE-files (version 11) and I have lost the password2 votes -
Support parsing of PBMI acquisition in Volatility Framework
Support the parsing of the memory acquisition performed via Passware Bootable Memory Imager in Volatility Framework
1 vote -
Passware Agent for Windows as a service
Very often it is required to have a Windows-based Passware Agent running and connected to the recovery process without having to login to the PC that is running the Agent. Currently once the user logs out, the Agent stops contributing,
7 votes -
MetaMask wallet
Support for MetaMask wallet password recovery
0 votes -
Signal backup file
Cracking the backup file of the SIGNAL application -
made with an Android phone4 votes -
Moving multiple files between recovery groups
Preparing a task to recovery you need there is impossible to move couple files from one group to another when. For example: from "Custom recovery #1" to "Custom recovery #2" move 5 files at the same time just by selecting them with Ctrl button.
Now it just one file is moving.3 votes -
ZIP 5.1 encryption (PKWARE-AES)
Support for Zip 5.1 PKWARE-AES encryption
10 votes -
Add Support for PKCS12
I would like to see support added for PKCS12 files such as .p12 or .pfx.
3 votes -
12 votes
Mac keychain password manager extraction for Passware Standard
As it stands now, the Keychain password manager decryption and extraction of it's contents are only available on the business and higher tiers of Password. I would like to see this at the lower home and small office tiers please.
3 votes -
Solid RAR archives
Please add support for Solid RAR archives.
Example of archive in attachment with password 12483 votes
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