38 results found
Adding support to Bruteforce PicoCrypt encrypted files.
3 votes -
Adding support for Lotus Notes - NSF decryption
Adding support for Lotus Notes - NSF decryption
1 vote -
Existing Decrypted Physical
There has been multiple cases where I was able to use an alternate tool to dump a physical extraction that wasn't on the Passware support list, but that tool didn't provide me with the password/pattern/pincode as it could decrypt the data without it.
I'd love if I could point PKM to the existing extraction, and start a BruteForce project. Even on a supported device Passware has to dump it to continue to the BruteForce step.2 votes -
Add support for Tally Prime .1800 file
TallyPrime is successor to the Tally.ERP 900 financial software, support to the Tally.ERP .900 file is available in Passware Kit Forensic software. In current scenario we are encountering with TallyPrime TallyVault.
1 vote -
GPU support for UNIX sha512 hash
I have GPU servers(16 GPUs) but I can't use them because of not support for unix sha512 hash.
Please fix it.3 votes -
Support decryption of virtual systems, e.g. VDI
Decryption of virtual systems, e.g. VDI - LUKAS BITLOCKER encrypted system
3 votes -
Please add support for SLE-file Version 11 and earlier
Homepage is misleading. SLE-Support is not given with all versions.
I have several SLE-files (version 11) and I have lost the password2 votes -
MetaMask wallet
Support for MetaMask wallet password recovery
0 votes -
ZIP 5.1 encryption (PKWARE-AES)
Support for Zip 5.1 PKWARE-AES encryption
10 votes -
Add Support for PKCS12
I would like to see support added for PKCS12 files such as .p12 or .pfx.
3 votes -
Solid RAR archives
Please add support for Solid RAR archives.
Example of archive in attachment with password 12483 votes -
Exlade Cryptic Disk
Exlade Cryptic Disk - Encrypt virtual drives, Encrypt physical drives. https://www.exlade.com/en/cryptic-disk/
it would be cool if Passware could crack passwords for "Exlade Cryptic Disk" containers and physical drives.2 votes -
ESET Endpoint Encryption
Add support for ESET Endpoint Encryption (DESLOCK).
3 votes -
ChromeOS support
Google is growing in the market with selling Chromebooks. If it is a Chromebook with Windows it is the standard way to make an image.
If it is a Chromebook with ChromeOS on it there is literally no way to gain any information at all (without knowing the Google-Credentials) or even if the credentials are known to gain data without changing the device hard drive (logical image).
As of now we haven't seen so many devices with ChromeOS but I suppose it will change quickly in the next 1-3 years.
King regards
Klaus D.
4 votes -
Decrypting DJI drone data
Data on DJI drone sd-cards is encrypted.
Feature for adding decryption support.7 votes -
Support Encrypto Apps (Mac)
Macpaw, people love their software, me and my community here in Indonesia personally use it, I hope you guys can support it too, thanks
3 votes -
PGP keyring attack
Adding support for attacking PGP keyrings / Private keys. Stored in de .gnupg folder.
7 votes -
Support for cracking of hashes (generically) like John the Ripper
Could Passware please incorporate generic hash cracking, such as that done by John the Ripper? This would add some much needed capacity to distribute such hashes across lots of machines (very helpful for those of us with Lab Edition). Currently I am cracking some hashes with JtR but since it is standalone and not distributed, it is nowhere near as efficient as it could be. Simply incorporating JtR into the Passware tool to allow agents to be brought in would be fantastic, and also add real flexibility to the tool
6 votesSupport for Bitlocker hash files used by third-party tools such as hashcat and John the Ripper was introduced in Passware Kit 2024 v3.
Playstation disk encryption
Support for Sony PlayStation HDD encryption
9 votes -
Add encryption algorithms for TC and VC used by EDS from Sovworks
Sovworks' EDS app for Android uses additional algorithms for TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt that are not supported by Passware. This app is becoming more mainstream.
2 votes
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