Support for cracking of hashes (generically) like John the Ripper
Could Passware please incorporate generic hash cracking, such as that done by John the Ripper? This would add some much needed capacity to distribute such hashes across lots of machines (very helpful for those of us with Lab Edition). Currently I am cracking some hashes with JtR but since it is standalone and not distributed, it is nowhere near as efficient as it could be. Simply incorporating JtR into the Passware tool to allow agents to be brought in would be fantastic, and also add real flexibility to the tool

Support for Bitlocker hash files used by third-party tools such as hashcat and John the Ripper was introduced in Passware Kit 2024 v3.
Support for APFS hash files used by third-party tools such as hashcat and John the Ripper was introduced in Passware Kit 2024 v4.