Support for all information of local keychain files
When extracting data of local Mac OS keychains, it appears that the report clearly lacks of data.
Actually, in keychain there are more than passwords. There are also, certificates, public keys, private keys and other for older versions.
Furthermore, even if we talk only about passwords, there are many fields useful defined in the keychain:
- Creation data
- Last modification
- Description
- Creator
- PrintName
- Alias
- Account
- Service
These fields are really useful because they give additional information helping identifying the account (for instance, discover an smtp server, ...)
Finally, some data are binary since they are encoded or whatever. These data may be really useful, but they are either displayed as ASCII (so totally useless) or not displayed at all if the length of data is more than 128 characters (by default), but even if shown, it would be useless since displayed in ASCII.
=> It would be much useful and great if you could make a report with every data available and an hexadecimal representation for binary data.

Passware Kit saves all extracted records from the Keychain to file “extracted-records.json”. All records that are UTF8 strings < 128 are exported to file “Passwords.txt”. All other records are extracted to file “record (i)” with extension “.json”, “.bplist”, or “.bin”.
Passware Kit saves all extracted records from the Keychain to file “extracted-records.json”. All records that are UTF8 strings < 128 are exported to file “Passwords.txt”. All other records are extracted to file “record (i)” with extension “.json”, “.bplist”, or “.bin”.